About Berkeley Seniors
People working with people
Our Mission
Our mission is to assist older residents of Berkeley County to age successfully in their natural environments by providing and developing community programs to support physical, mental and emotional well-being

Berkeley Seniors, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization that receives financial support from Older Americans Act Federal Funding, the Trident Area Agency on Aging, SC Department on Aging, Berkeley County Government, local civic organizations, and individual contributions.
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About the Berkeley Seniors Board
We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors representing the lower, middle and upper geographical sections of Berkeley County.
A Note From Our Board
In November 1995, the Board of Directors accepted the challenge of meeting the individualized needs of senior citizens and their families. Although we are not a large organization, we are serving a population scattered throughout a predominantly rural county. Research shows that South Carolina is one of seven states attracting more senior citizens than any other in the United states. In South Carolina, Berkeley County is among those attracting a growing number of retirees.
Each year we have endeavored to make improvements and adjustments to our services in order to encourage and support independence for older adults. Of course, we can not address these needs alone. Please feel free to provide us with your thoughts and ideas. We welcome your help and encourage you to join our team of dedicated volunteers.